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Aratika Board

Aratika Cancer Trust works to educate people diagnosed with cancer, and their whānau, about the benefits of integrative care through all stages of the cancer journey including diagnosis, treatment, recovery and beyond.  Integrative care involves the use of complementary therapeutic modalities, alongside conventional medical treatments for cancer, to enhance physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

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Susan Brown
Trustee Chair
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Wendy Lewis
Founding Trustee

Grandmother and retired Radiographer

Funding Co-ordinator.

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Greg Taipari
June Grant
Founding Trustee

ONZM for services to Maori and Maori Art.  Screening Paearahi

Te Arawa, Ngati Tuwharetoa, Tuhourangi/Ngati Wahiao.

Celebrant. Retreat Facilitator.

PreKure Mental Health Coach.

Mother, Physiotherapist.

Communication manager +  media advisor. Trust Chair.

Shelley Garden
Trust Manager

Mother of two teens, keen forest walker. She keeps us all organised and takes care of every little precious detail. 

Circle of Care

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Joanna Taylor

Registered Psychologist, mother, grandmother, experienced carer/advocate, and community volunteer.

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Sarah Jameson

Associate chartered accountant, member of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand

Mother of two..

Barbara Hochstein
Founding Trustee
Guiding Patron

Radiologist and our former chair.

Former Trustees


Tove Jensen-Munroe

Former Trustee

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Britta Norske

Founding Trustee
Meditation & Nutrition

More about Britta on our facilitator biography page.

Jane Saunders

Former Trustee

Empowering soul who left us on 17 Dec 2020.  Profoundly missed.  Teacher, spirited, artistic and inspirational.


Doreen Vroom-Barclay

Former Trustee

Local Rotorua business owner from the Netherlands.  Cancer thriver, determined and charming.

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Kylie Lang Trustee

Former Trustee

Dedicated, hardworking, and passionate about her business. 

Claire Taipari Trustee

Former Trustee

Māmā of two.  Cancer survivor.

Studying with Te Wānanga o Raukawa on her Te Reo Maori Jouney.

Te Ati Haunui a Pāpārangi / Ngāi Tūhoe 

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Mereheeni Hooker

Former Trustee

Guiding light who left us on 14 June 2019.  Profoundly missed.  Her life was spent in service to education and her Maori community. 

Meditation Guide + Cancer thriver.

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