Supportive Conversations &
Informative Chats
Lunchtimes - Zoom
'Let's Talk'
Supportive Cancer Care Topics
Next Dates 2024
Speaker + Topic TBC
4th annual
Weekend Meditation Retreat
Participate. Invest in your wellbeing. Be empowered.
Drop in on our ongoing lunchtime conversations about topics related specifically to supportive cancer care.
These 1 hr zooms, on different topics will empower you to walk your own unique healing pathway through the challenges of cancer, diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Learn how to incorporate integrative cancer care into your life.
Free to attend, Koha gratefully received.
Ph/Text Claire for more details 022 429 5063
If you have a recommended speaker, we'd love to hear from you.

Thank you to our speakers this year who have shared their korero, mahi, hope and empowerment with us all in 2023.
Sandra Russell - 'The Feeling of Cancer'
Tove Jensen - Munroe - Intermittent Fasting
Sandra Palmer - Living with Hope with a Challenging Prognosis
Kaytee Boyd - Metabolic Approach to Cancer
Petrea King - Quest for Life, Recovery, Forgiveness and Hope
Kay Ryan - Resilience with Grief and Loss